Spotify Not Showing On Discord: How To Fix It

It’s amazing coming home to friends on Discord and Spotify playing your favorite tunes in the background. Your friends can see what you’re playing and even control the playback. But what happens when Spotify doesn’t show up on Discord? What happens when you try to share what you’re listening to on Spotify with friends, and it doesn’t show up on Discord. Why is Spotify not showing on Discord? And how do you fix it so that it does? Well, I will answer all those questions in this blog post. So, if you’re wondering why Spotify is not showing on Discord or how to fix it so that it does, read on!

To fix the problem of Spotify not showing on Discord, you can try a few things. I’ll go through each solution one by one.

  1. Reconnect Spotify To Discord with correct permissions
  2. Remove and Link the Spotify to Discord again
  3. Enable the “Display Spotify” to your status.
  4. Turn off the “Current Activity” as your status message.
  5. Restart the Discord app.
  6. Try using Spotify on the desktop.
  7. Reinstall the Discord app.

Your issue will probably be solved with one of these solutions. Read on to learn about all of these fixes in detail.

Spotify Not Showing On Discord

Discord is a great way to stay connected with friends and family worldwide. You can share photos, videos, and audio messages with anyone on the app. You can also join public servers where you can chat with people with similar interests. One of the coolest features of Discord is the ability to share what you’re listening to on Spotify with your friends.

Discord is very compatible with Spotify, and you can share what you’re listening to on Spotify with your friends on Discord easily. You can also listen to songs while playing games on Discord. You can change the settings so your friends can see what you’re playing or even control the playback.

But, both are web-based applications, and sometimes, things can go wrong. One of the most common problems is that Spotify doesn’t appear on Discord. Many users have reported this problem. There can be many reasons for this. But, don’t worry; I’ll show you how to fix the problem of Spotify not showing on Discord in this blog post.

Why Is Spotify Not Showing On Discord?

So, the first question is, why is Spotify not showing on Discord? It’s not possible that there is only one reason why Spotify does not appear on Discord. There can be many reasons for this. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons:

You have not given the correct permissions to Spotify: When you connect Spotify to Discord, you need to give it the correct permissions. If you have not given it the correct permissions, it will not be able to show up on Discord.

You are not logged in to your Spotify account: This is a common reason why Spotify doesn’t appear on Discord. If you are not logged in to your Spotify account, then Discord will not be able to connect to Spotify.

Spotify is not installed on your device: Another reason why Spotify might not be appearing on Discord is that it is not installed on your device. So if you’re trying to use Spotify with Discord on your mobile phone, make sure it is installed.

Discord is not installed on your device: This might seem obvious, but if Discord is not installed on your device, then Spotify will not be able to show up on it. So make sure that you have Discord installed on your device before trying to use Spotify with it.

You have not connected Discord and Spotify properly: If you have not connected Discord and Spotify properly, then Spotify will not be able to show up on Discord. Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully when connecting these two applications.

Your Display Spotify as your status is turned off: If you have the “Display Spotify as your status” turned off in your Discord settings, Spotify will not be able to show up on Discord. It would help if you turned this on for Spotify to display on Discord.

These are some of the most common reasons why Spotify might not appear on Discord. If you’re facing this problem, check if any of these reasons apply to you.

How To Fix Spotify Not Showing On Discord?

Now that we know why Spotify might not appear on Discord let’s look at how to fix this problem. There are a few different solutions that you can try. No, you don’t need technical expertise to fix this problem. Anybody can do it. Just follow the instructions carefully, and you’ll be able to fix the problem in no time.

Solution 1: Check If You Have The Correct Permissions

The first thing that you need to do is check if you have given Spotify the correct permissions. If you have not given it the correct permissions, it will not be able to show up on Discord. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “Settings” on your device.
  2. Next, click on “Apps” or “Applications.”
  3. Find and click on “Spotify.”
  4. Finally, click on “Permissions.”
  5. Make sure that all the necessary permissions are turned on.

If any of the necessary permissions are turned off, turn them on.

Then, try to use Spotify with Discord again and see if the problem is fixed.

Solution 2: Connect Spotify To Discord Properly

Are you sure you have connected Spotify to Discord properly? Many users make the mistake of not connecting these two applications properly. As a result, Spotify does not show up on Discord. If you’re not sure how to connect Spotify to Discord properly, follow these steps:

Connect Spotify to Discord On a PC

If you are using Spotify on your PC, then you need to follow these steps to connect it to Discord:

  1. Open the “Discord” app on your PC and log in to your account if you haven’t already.
  2. Go to the “Settings” from the left side of your screen and click on the “User Settings” icon.
  3. Scroll down and click on “Connections.”
  4. Find and click on “Spotify.”
  5. Now enter your Spotify credentials and click on the “Login” button. Finally, click the “Authorize” button to give Discord the necessary permissions. Also, dont forget to accept the Terms and Policies.

You have now successfully connected Spotify to Discord on your PC. Remember that you need to be logged in to your Spotify account for this to work.

Connect Spotify To Discord On Mobile (Android And iOS)

If you are using Spotify on your mobile phone, then you need to follow these steps to connect it to Discord:

  1. Open the “Discord” app on your mobile phone.
  2. Tap on the “Discord” icon from the bottom right corner of your screen.
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Connections.”
  4. Select the “Add” option and select “Spotify.”
  5. Finally, log in to your Spotify account and enjoy using Spotify with Discord. Have an amazing time!

Solution 3: Remove And Link The Spotify To Discord Again

Sometimes, even if you have properly connected Spotify to Discord, it might still not show up. In this case, you need to remove the Spotify connection from Discord and link it again. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. First, open the “Discord” app on your device.
  2. Next, click on the “User Settings” icon on the left side of your screen.
  3. Next, scroll down and click on “Connections.”
  4. Next, find and click on the “Spotify” option.
  5. Finally, click the “Remove” button to remove Spotify from Discord.
  6. Now go back and follow the steps from Solution 2 to properly connect Spotify to Discord again.

Solution 4: Enable The “Display Spotify” To Your Status.

Still not able to see Spotify on Discord? Have you checked if you have enabled the “Display Spotify” to your status? Well, you won’t be able to see the Spotify connection on Discord if this is turned off. Here’s how you can turn it on:

  1. Open the Discord app on your device.
  2. Click the “User Settings” cog. It’s the white gear near your username at the bottom left.
  3. You will see the “Activity Status” under the Activity Settings.
  4. Toggle the “Display currently playing as a status message.”
    spotify not showing on discord
  5. You will be able to see the Spotify connection on Discord now! If this doesn’t work, try Solution number 5.

Solution 5: Reinstall/ Restart The Discord App.

If nothing has worked, try reinstalling or restarting the Discord app. I know this seems simple, but this can often fix the problem. If you’re on mobile, here are the steps:

  1. Tap the “Discord” app icon, which resembles a white game controller on a purple background.
  2. Tap and hold the Discord app icon until it wiggles.
  3. Tap the “x” that appears in the top-left corner of the Discord app icon.
  4. Tap “Delete” when prompted.
  5. Now, go to your App Store or Play Store and redownload Discord.

If you’re on a computer, here are the steps:

  1. First, click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  2. Click “Control Panel” and select “Add or Remove Programs.” If you’re using Windows Vista or XP, click Uninstall a Program.
  3. Find and click “Discord” in the list of programs.
  4. Click the “Uninstall” button that appears. If you’re prompted for permission, click “Yes.”
  5. Now, go to your web browser and redownload Discord.

I hope this helped! If not, try Solution number 6.

Solution 6: Try Using Spotify On The Desktop.

Okay, I know that you are frustrated at this point. But try using Spotify on desktop and see if that works. It may fix the problem! And if it does, you can listen to Spotify without problems on Discord.

Contact Spotify Support

Still not working? The last thing you can do is contact Spotify support to see if they can help you. You can also call Discord support and see if they can help you!

I hope one of these solutions worked for you! If not, I’m sorry, and please comment down below so we can try and figure this out together.

Go Idle While Listening To Spotify

What does it mean when you go idle on Spotify?

It means that you are no longer actively listening to Spotify. Instead, your account will appear as “offline” to your friends, and you will not be able to control playback or see what anyone else is playing. You can still listen to music, but other people will not be able to see what you’re playing.

You can go idle on Spotify without affecting your Discord account, though. If you want to appear as “offline” on Discord but continue listening to music, go idle on Spotify. Your friends will see that you’re offline, but they won’t be able to tell what you’re listening to.

It’s a good way to keep your music listening habits private if you’re worried about people knowing what you’re into.

Listen To Spotify Premium With Discord

It’s cool listening to Spotify while gaming on Discord, but what if you want to share what you are listening to with friends?

Spotify has a premium subscription that allows you to do just that. For $9.99/month, you can get the Spotify Premium for Family plan, which lets up to six people use your account simultaneously. That way, everyone in your Discord group can listen to the same song and see what each other is playing.

If you’re not interested in paying for Spotify Premium, you can still use the free version of the service. All your friends can listen to different songs of their choice while still gaming together.

Personal Experience

I’ve been using Spotify for a while now and love it. I think it’s a great way to listen to music, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new music streaming service.

I’ve also been using Discord for a while, and I think it’s a great way to stay connected with friends. It’s a great platform for gamers, and I love how you can share what you’re playing with your friends.

I recently discovered that you could link Spotify and Discord together, which is awesome. I could share what I was listening to with my friends, and they could see what I was playing. It’s a great way to stay connected with your friends and share your music taste.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

I guess you still have some doubts or questions after reading this post. Below I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Spotify and Discord.

Q: Do I need a premium account to share my music on Discord?

A: Yes, you need a Spotify premium account to share your music with friends on Discord.

If I go idle on Spotify, will my music stop play?

No, your music will continue to play even if you go idle on Spotify. However, other people will not be able to see what you’re playing or control playback. So you can still listen to music, but other people will not be able to see what you’re playing.

Q: Will this work on Mac?

A: Yes, all of these solutions will also work on a Mac computer.

Final Words

I hope this post helped you fix the problem of Spotify not showing on Discord. If you have any other questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. Thanks for reading! 🙂

Have a great day!

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